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How to choose the right charger for your smartphone?

With the increasing number of smartphones being released without chargers in the box, it can be overwhelming to figure out which charger to use with your phone. In a video discussion on YouTube, the speaker shares helpful tips on choosing the right charger for your smartphone.

First, it’s important to understand the different charging technologies that brand use. Some brands use proprietary charging technology, such as Dash Charging or Hyper Charging, which require their own charger bricks. These chargers are designed specifically for the phone and may provide faster charging speeds than using a different charger.

charger for your smartphone?

However, big brands like Apple, Samsung, and Motorola use standard power delivery charging technology. Power Delivery 2.0 and 3.0 are the most common versions, but newer phones are typically compatible with the latest technology. If your phone supports 20 or 25 watts of power delivery charging, any PD charger that supports that wattage or higher should be able to charge your phone at its maximum capacity. Samsung even provides an additional technology called PPS with Power Delivery 3.0, which allows the phone to communicate with the power adapter to reduce the charging speed if needed.

The speaker recommends using a charger that is branded and certified for speedy charging. Any charger that supports USB-C input should support PD charging. It’s important to avoid using cheap cables or adapters that may damage your phone.

For wireless charging, the speaker notes that there is a standard called Qi charging that is widely used. Apple’s proprietary charger, MagSafe, supports faster charging but also supports Qi charging for other phones. It’s important to note that if you want the highest charging speed, using the brand’s specific charger may be necessary.

Overall, the speaker recommends using any USB-C charger available at home for a phone that supports USB-C charging. However, if you want faster charging speeds, investing in a good quality charger is important. Additionally, using a charger that is certified for speedy charging and avoiding cheap cables or adapters can help protect your phone.

charger for your smartphone?

In conclusion, choosing the right charger for your smartphone can be confusing but understanding the charging technologies and choosing a branded and certified charger can make the process easier.

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